Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Colonial Chatterbox: Podcasting "History"

Our first official podcast of the year is now available for your listening and learning pleasure!  As you all know, students in each of my social studies classes have just completed a unit on the early colonization of North America through a project-based learning experience.  Students researched and analyzed geographical information prior to designing and creating their version of the ideal colony and then designed marketing campaigns to "sell" it to prospective settlers.  During the colonization process, students worked with the amazing Mrs. Kosakowski (our digital literacy specialist) to create a series of podcasts that would highlight important phases of the project from the perspective of "colonists".  We hope you'll take a few moments sit back and enjoy listening to these podcasts, as students show you all that they have learned about early colonization in North America and how geography influences the development of communities.  Below is the first of five "Colonial Chatterbox" podcast episodes.  To listen to the remaining four episodes, I've posted a link to the entire podcast series just below episode one.  Enjoy!

Colonial Chatterbox: Episode One (This Colonial Life):

Colonial Chatterbox (all five podcast episodes) - click here: Colonial Chatterbox podcast

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs. Valzania & Students - I had a wonderful time creating these podcasts with you! I think you did a terrific job and I look forward to podcasting again with you. (PS - thanks for the shout out but really its your conversations and knowledge that make the podcast interesting.)


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