Students learned about the ways in which Russia's economy is connected with the economies of other countries through international trade, and how economic and political freedoms support each other. The guiding question throughout our study was: How important is Russia's successful transition to democracy and a free market economy to the rest of world?
Considering all of their knowledge and understanding of the physical geography of Russia, its resources, political and economic structure and culture, students worked collaboratively in small groups to create a plan for a Russian business under a free market economy. They were given the freedom to choose any business they wished to create - whether it be a product or service. Students presented their groups' business plans, explaining how their businesses would meet the needs of Russian consumers, what political and economic institutions their businesses would need to rely on in order to succeed, and the possible political, economic and cultural challenges they might face in starting up their businesses. Students created some pretty impressive business plans and extended their thinking even further by identifying ways to overcome the challenges they might face in the wake of the new government and economic structures. Some of these creative business plans included ideas such as:
- BioTech research lab for finding a cure for Tuberculosis (an epidemic in Russia)
- Development of the healthcare industry, including health plans for its citizens
- Insulated and self-heating machines to be used in extracting resources subjected to permafrost
- high-tech farm equipment to replace outdated farming and irrigation equipment that is currently used
- "tundra-proof" underground pipe material for petroleum and natural gas transport
Their plans were as impressive as their presentations. You're looking at the faces of our future global business leaders!